Generally considered un-natural, not all life needs to be organic. Automata contains anything that one could say is designed by hand - be it of an otherworldly hand - and not nature. Dolls, golems, machinery, androids, puppets all included. If it doesn't have a heart and doesn't grow, it's probably an automaton.
Golems are constructs, typically infused with magic. They often have semi human attributes like arms and legs or a head, but rarely resemble humans in any traditional form, a bit like oversized dolls. Golems often serve their creator, though there's the possibility of developing minds of their own.
HP: 40
Armor: 4
Strength: Construct immunities, Divine Protection
Weaness: Corruption and Profaned Items
Appearance: A towering colossus, formed out of hard stone or metal, fashioned into the shape of whatever god or demon it's worshippers served.
Weapons: None
The mightiest of holy constructs, Reliquary Golems are created to guard the most important treasures of a divinity. Imbued with a bonfire of holy energy, they must be maintained by monks daily with prayers, and often stand in the most holy of temples. Ancient Reliquary Golems with powerful relics imbued with the strength of dead gods can be found in ancient high temples, preserved by magic spells using the last of the god's power.
HP: 12
Armor: 2
Strength: Construct immunities
Weakness: Corruption and Profaned Items
Appearance: A statue, often crafted out of pale rock into humanoid form, but the nature of it's appearance changes depending on what religion or cult created it
Weapons: None
Constructs crafted to defend shrines and holy places, Sanctuary Golems are imbued with a seed of divine magic. Easy to make for most shrine guardians, they can be found in old dungeons and forgotten temples, reawakening to do battle with despoilers of long-forgotten holy places.
Demons, devils, succubi. While actually a hodgepodge of very diverse species, most of these are lumped into the same category. While it's assumed they're all of supernatural origin, the reality of their origins are as varied as their form.
Devils are basically large, forceful, sentient creatures with an aptitude for violence. They tend to intentionally breed into specialities.
HP: 50 (varies)
Armor: 4 (varies)
Strength: Shapeshifting, Arcane Secrets, Corruptive Power, Incredible Speed, (Varies)
Weaknesses: (Varies)
Appearance: Grand Devils can shapeshift, but often have a 'True Form' they use for combat and comfort, and a Color that all of their forms integrate.
Weapons: Cursing Sword (3d6+4/near/fast) - Does magical damage.
Grand Devils, Greater Devils, Black-Hearted Devils, and Devil Princes–as they are known–as the most powerful members of the devil race. All lesser devils hope to one day become one of them, although the amount that have the potential to do so are very few. It is said there has never been more than 108 Grand Devils alive at any given time, and currently their numbers however below 100. Grand Devils vary greatly in power, appearance, mannerisms, and personality between one another, but it is almost universally true that they are both incredibly power and incredibly ruthless.
HP: 3
Armor: 0
Strength: Little
Weakness: Speech
Appearance: Varied, but often possesses soft, pale flesh, multiple eyes, multiple limbs, and no mouth.
Weapons: Blade (1d3/Fast) - Blade, club, spear; simple weapons for a simple creature.
Moves: None.
Low born devils, created to serve and nothing else. Often employed as bartenders, cleaners, and butlers, They cannot speak, and have very peculiar thoughts. They are dangerous in numbers, and have the capability of turning into another demon; it's only a matter of them becoming mature enough to transform.
HP: 8
Armor: 1
Strength: Varies/Unknown
Weakness: Strong Alcohol
Appearance: 2-5 feet tall, blue/black faces, feminine, bodies have carapaces and fur and look almost insectoid, horned, wirey.
Night Devils are bred for assassination, skirmishing, and servitude. Though small and stealthy, their boisterous and garrulous personalities often give away their location when they're not focused. Dexterous, eloquent, and articulate, Night Devils are often summoned for assassinations, record-keeping, translation, and company. They can secrete a potent poison which they coat their knives in at will.
HP: 11
Armor: 3
Strength: Varies/Unknown
Weakness: Varies/Unknown
Appearance: 6-11 feet tall, 200-500 pounds. Thick carapaces have green or black skin, cracked, pitted and appears almost reptilian. Their flesh is drawn tight around their bones and muscles, leading to their monikers. Their scales and hard skin render them difficult to hurt.
Skull-Faced Devils were bred to be magicians, viceroys, advisors, and senators, although the ruthless streak of ambition that they are naturally born with makes it a dangerous prospect to summon one to fulfil it's stated roles. Skull-Faced Devils tend to amass a small army of lackeys and sycophants to stoke their egos, even when employed as underlings. Whenever one is pressed, there is often a group of warriors within earshot.
HP: 25
Armor: 1
Strength: Varies/Unknown
Weakness: Varies/Unknown
Apperance: 8-10 feet tall, 800-1200 pounds. Red and covered in thick fur.
Devil Warriors were bred for war, and excel at it. They often fight with massive iron clubs. Most commonly used as elite enforcers in criminal guilds or bandit camps, although some warlords may have hundreds at their disposal.
HP: 25
Armor: 1
Strength: Varies/Unknown
Weakness: Varies/Unknown
Apperance: 8-10 feet tall, 800-1200 pounds. Red and covered in thick fur.
Devil Warriors were bred for war, and excel at it. They often fight with massive iron clubs. Most commonly used as elite enforcers in criminal guilds or bandit camps, although some warlords may have hundreds at their disposal.
The dwellers of the ethereal plane are not inherently friendly. Some are cruel, others possess a wild, brutal temperament, and even kind spirits can be deadly when provoked.
Lesser avatars of flora and fauna, spirits of nature are plentiful and range the gamut from kind and gentle to obscene and violent. Some are born from the instinct driven worship of sentient and non-sentient creatures, others from the deincarnated spirits of prey animals, transfixed on vengeance and survival.
HP: 15~25
Armor: 1
Strength: Wind, Physical Attacks
Weakness: Fire
Appearance: Anthropomorphic sheep wearing tribal equipment and light leather garments with a variety of skill-sets and skills.
As fuzzy as they are brutal, sheepkin tend to be hostile and violent despite the passive nature of their animal companions. They hunt prey in groups, and tend to use stunning and beating tactics to pummel them into unconsciousness. They have a tendency to aim for the head, as not to damage their prey's body. For reasons unknown, they tend to bicker amongst themselves.
HP: 10~20
Armor: 3
Strength: Immune to blunt attacks. Resistant to slashing damage. Hard to restrain due to high strength and limb count.
Weakness: Wings, antennae, eyes and Ice.
Appearance: Anthropomorphic bee insectoids. Lightly armored, though often armed to the teeth. Few carry less than two weapons. All are capable of flight.
Often only found surrounding and occupying a hive, these insects are especially aggressive. They are capable of reason, and have fairly high individual intelligence, but almost never practice any magic due to their overwhelming physical capability and short-lived lives.
With the right training, the bulkiest orc or clumsiest kobold can become a ballet dancer. While not technically monsters in their own right, it's useful to know the tools of the trades.
HP: 4
Armor: 1
Appearance: Varies; often otters, crocodiles, or merfolk. Tend to be scruffy and damp.
Weapons: 1d4+1, Close, Reach; usually fight with long wooden spears and nets
Bandits who keep to the rivers, their most common targets are merchants who float their goods down the rivers, although fishermen and travelers can be fair game too. They typically aren't as hardened, dangerous, or large as other criminals, and prefer attacking and kidnapping easy prey over pitched combat.
HP: 5
Armor: 0
Strengths: Dirty, rough city fighting
Weaknesses: Cops, equally dirty, rough counter-fighting.
Appearance: Varies heavily, usually dirty.
Weapons: Chains and daggers, 1d4+1/melee
Gang members who live in the slums of cities, young men and women with little prospects who have turned to violence. Often fight with knives, clubs, and axes cobbled from who knows where; a preferred alternative is a length of chain with a spiked ball attached to the end, since the reach gives them an edge in street fights.
HP: 12
Armor: 3
Strength: Varies/Unknown
Weakness: Varies/Unknown
Appearance: Varies.
A master swordsman of the Perfect Cut School, this warrior has trained themselves in a style that allows them to cut through anything. The Perfect Cut School is famously mercenary, with students of the art selling their services to the highest bidder.
Tectonic - War Devil, Skull Faced Devil, Swordsman of the Perfect Cut, Requilary Golem, Night Devil, Low Devil