Old Revisions These are the older revisons of the current document. To revert to an old revision, select it from below, click Edit this page and save it. 2021/12/20 08:05 1e:effects – [Longing] inari -50 B (current) 2021/12/20 08:01 1e:effects – [Lust] inari +33 B 2021/12/20 07:57 1e:effects – [Lust] inari +11 B 2021/12/20 07:55 1e:effects – [Lust] inari +2 B 2021/12/20 07:55 1e:effects – [Lust] inari +34 B 2021/12/20 07:53 1e:effects – [Lust] inari ±0 B 2021/12/20 07:52 1e:effects – [Lust] inari +83 B 2021/07/30 13:51 1e:effects – external edit ±0 B 2019/09/28 09:03 1e:effects – ↷ Page moved from effects to 1e:effects inari +7.2 KB 2019/06/20 06:34 effects – [Longing] inari ±0 B 2019/06/20 06:33 effects – [Ailments and Debilities] inari +18 B 2019/06/20 06:18 effects – [Longing] inari +251 B 2019/06/20 06:03 effects – [Longing] inari +95 B 2019/06/20 06:00 effects – [Longing] inari ±0 B 2019/06/20 05:59 effects – [Longing] inari +174 B 2019/06/20 05:58 effects – [Longing] inari -1 B 2019/06/20 05:55 effects – [Lust] inari -2 B 2019/06/20 05:54 effects – [Longing] inari ±0 B 2019/06/20 02:29 effects – [Lust] inari +3 B 2019/06/20 02:29 effects – inari -7 B Show differences between selected revisionsless recent >>