Trace: gold


Gold is used for a limited number of things in Kamisekai. It's primary use is consumable items and spells.

Players can carry up to 100 gold. Anything beyond that is discarded upon reward.


CostItem NameDescription
10BandagesHeal for 1d8 HP
10Smelling SaltsRevive an ally from unconsciousness mid-combat.
20Liquid Courage+1 Might (non-stacking) for one move roll.
20Liquid Enlightenment+1 Wits (non-stacking) for one move roll.
20Liquid Allure+1 Charm (non-stacking) for one move roll.
20Liquid Haste+1 Speed (non-stacking) for one move roll.
20PanaceaRemove one debility or ailment.
50Living KeyOpen any mechanically locked object, once.
50Seal EraserOpen any magically locked object, once.
20Small ExplosiveCreates a small explosion sufficient for destroying a trunk-sized object.
50Large ExplosiveCreates a modest explosion sufficient for destroying a car-sized object.

Upgrades and Spells

CostItem NameDescription
75Reforge IIncrease weapon variable damage by one. Add a + to the weapon's name.
100Reforge IIIncrease weapon variable damage by one more. Add a second +. Requires Reforge I.
75Reinforce IIncrease an armor's rating by 1. Add a + to the armor name.
100Reinforce IIIncrease weapon's durability rating by one tier. Add a second +. Requires Reinforce I.
10Spell: Gr. 1Any grade 1 spell.
20Spell: Gr. 2Any grade 2 spell.
40Spell: Gr. 3Any grade 3 spell.

1e/gold.txt · Last modified: 2021/07/30 13:51
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