Trace: moves

Timing Is Everything

The GM will tell you when you can use a move. Often by asking what you will do or giving your group some time to prepare for upcoming events.

During combat, you may need to wait for other players moves to resolve before you can use your own. If you're not sure whether you can act, ask!

Reading Moves

Reading moves is fairly straightforward. The first sentence of a move tells you how to execute the move, and if there's any requirements.

Some moves may have requirements that affect the instructions like “For Slow Weapons” or “When Attacking From Behind”

Next a move typically has a section that gives the player a few choices depending on the outcome of their roll.

Finally, the end of the move typically has some errata about how the move should function in certain circumstances.


Common game terms, as a reminder:

  • Roll means roll 2d6 unless another die is specified.
  • Roll+Stat means roll a 2d6 and add the appropriate stat.
  • X/Session means something can be done X times in a single session.
  • X/Combat means something can be done X times in a single combat.
  • Hold X means you get a token toward using one of that move's features.
  • Take +/-X in a skill means you Roll +/- X when the conditions apply.
  • Take +/-X Forward means you Roll +/- X on the next applicable roll.
  • At Advantage (X) means roll twice (or X) number of times and take the better result.
  • At Disadvantage (X) means roll twice and take the worst result.
  • Stacking options can be taken multiple times, up to X if specified or as many times as you can.
  • 6-: in a move's description overrides the usual implications of failure.
  • Debilities, sexual debilities and Ailments refer to specific kinds of effects.
2019/06/20 06:23 · inari

Failure Is Always An Option

The dice are an unpredictable mistress. When you roll, you take a risk! The outcome depends on the move itself and the GM's discretion but to give an idea what you might expect to have happen with most moves…

Rolling Results In..
<6 Failure. The GM will issue a consequence, but not always visibly or immediately. It could easily come about later, so watch out!
7-9 Moderate success! The move may stipulate some less-than-perfect outcome though.
10-12 Complete success! You execute things without a hitch! Good job!
>12 Complete success…with a bonus! ..Sometimes. Some perks give bonuses for overkill. The GM may also reward you for it, if you're lucky.

So where are they?

1e/moves.txt · Last modified: 2021/07/30 13:51
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