Trace: sessions

Session Start

Session Start

At the beginning of the session, everyone starts out with a clean slate (unless the player wishes to start with a debility). They start with full health and no ailments.

Before beginning the session, consider asking your players a few questions:

  • What are their preferences, sexually and otherwise?
  • How much time do they have to play?
  • Do we agree about what difficulty this will be?

Session End

Experience Distribution

Player Experience

First, the GM asks the players as a group if they…

  • Overcame a significant challenge from an enemy or the environment?
  • Gained something significant from this adventure (knowledge or items)?
  • Worked together as a group (even if taking separate actions)?
  • Made our decisions as a group quickly?
  • Were successful in their overall objective, or working towards it?

For each “yes” answer the GM and players take 1 XP.

Next, players should answer these questions about the GM:

GM Experience

Next, the GM asks the players if the GM…

  • Portrayed a fantastic world and breathe life into NPCs?
  • Considered our wants as players and apply those to the session?
  • Gave our characters room to express themselves?
  • Challenged us as we expected?
  • Provided an enjoyable session, overall?

For each “yes”, the GM and only the GM takes 1 XP.

New Player Bonus

If any participating player has less than 3 LP, ask them:

  • Was everyone helpful in explaining the system and game mechanics?
  • Was everyone patient with them and their knowledge of the game?
  • Did everyone make an effort to make them feel included in the story?
  • Did everyone work together to make the experience fun?
  • Are they looking forward to playing the next game?

For every yes answer, the GM and players take 1 XP.

The GM may distribute their XP towards any of their characters, but players must put the experience towards the character that participated in the session.

Gold Distribution

After experience is awarded, the GM should consider the following questions about the players, and reward the players one gold per 'yes' answer. The GM should not disclose which were yes and no, unless of course they want to.

Did the players (not the characters)…

  • Teamwork
    • Play with rather than against you?
    • Work together as a group of players?
    • Act respectfully and courteously with each other and you?
  • Roleplay
    • Act in a manner consistent with their character's nature?
    • Play with the spirit of things in mind, focusing more on roleplay and less on rollplay?
    • Respect the boundary between OOC and IC information?
  • Gameplay
    • Complete an objective successfully?
    • Overcome an obstacle you set out for them?
    • Progress in a timely manner?
    • Find something of value?

The maximum GP a player can hold is 100. Any awarded GP over that amount are discarded.


At the end of a single-shot session or campaign, the GM may or may not award the player with items or treasure. Occasionally, a GM may need to deliver a reward later.

GMs should read the rewards and Weapon and Item Creation guides.

Partial Rewards

Every now and again, a player may not make it through an entire session. When this happens, a GM and players can decide to award a player partial credit.

The GM and players should reach a consensus about how much to reward the absent player(s), using the amount of time they played as a rough guideline.

1e/sessions.txt · Last modified: 2021/07/30 13:51
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