Trace: time



Time is a very relative thing. You're likely looking at this because you went down some rabbit hole to figure out exactly how long a 'combat' is. Unfortunately for you, it's not that clearly defined. But for the sake of answering your knock upon the door of knowledge, here is a list of time-related terms you might come across in an attempt to keep the words somewhat consistent. Nerd.

Duration Means…
Instant/Immediately Right now, as in now now.
Turn About a span of 5-30 seconds. Putting toast in a toaster. Walking to a button and pushing it. Hitting a guy with a hammer. Player turns typically happen in parallel.
Combat The time from wheen fighting, struggling or conflict begins to when it stops.
Scene Roughly when players can interact with the environment/things. Usually starting and stopping between the points that the GM describes travel, or being somewhere else specifically.
Session A small part of an Adventure. Like a chapter (or three) of a book.
Arc A larger part of an Adventure. Like a movie, or season or book in a series,
Adventure From the kidnapping to the inevitable saving of the princess.
1e/time.txt · Last modified: 2021/07/30 13:51
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