
Before Arguing with Inari, I promise to try and remember the following things:

  • This is a game and only a game, intended to be enjoyed by the people playing it.
  • The rules of which can be ignored by me or anyone else at any time. There is no text game gestapo to stop me if I suddenly start.
  • Inari has no particular financial or other interest in the game's operation or mechanics, only a general concern for the enjoyability of the game by it's players.
  • For that matter, Inari probably has something to do that could actually has real financial or practical benefit besides spending any time arguing with me about this game, like cleaning their gutters or furiously masturbating.
  • There is literally no real life mechanic that stops me from making another version of this game myself.
  • The outcome of any past or future game has no real impact on my life, there is no Kamisekai Tournament, there is no grand prize date with Sasha Grey.
  • Losing or winning an argument doesn't make anyone a lesser person, nor does it prove either person has any particular moral or other superiority over the other.
  • It is not Inari versus me but Inari and I versus the problem.
  • It is not Inari's job to enforce what happens between a consenting GM and a player in the privacy of their rooms or in public, and they will probably not do so even if I ask.
  • Inari only makes the legos, and it's not their problem or fault if people playing with them start filing them down to sharp edges and throwing them at each other.
  • I am an adult, and should act like one.
promise_of_debate.txt · Last modified: 2021/07/30 13:51
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